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Registration of non-profit organizations

Registration of non-profit organizations in Russia

The Nika Commerce team of lawyers will assist in the registration of any form of non-profit organization. We provide the service of registration of non-profit organizations on a turnkey basis. In our work, the client is not left without attention at any stage of the registration of an NPO .


When working with you, we try to take into account every little thing, paying attention to those moments about which you may not know.


  • registration of a non-commercial partnership - from 2100 €

  • creation of autonomous non-profit organizations (NPO), unions (associations) - from 2100 €

  • fund creation - from 3500 €


The registration period for non-profit organizations is 21 business days

The registration period is clearly regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, but is rarely observed by the Ministry of Justice; in practice, the registration of a non-profit organization takes about 1.5 months.

Required data for registration of an NPO



Tax system


Registration is divided into conditional stages, since it involves two state bodies and NPO documents move between them:

  • Legal audit of documents submitted for state registration of non-profit organizations - three weeks - 14 work. days

  • Translation of documents from the Ministry of Justice to the Federal Tax Service - the term is not reflected anywhere and can take from 3 to 5 days

  • Making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about a newly created non-profit organization - 5 working days from the date of receipt of documents by the territorial body of the Federal Tax Service

  • Return of documents to a registered NCO from the territorial body of the Federal Tax Service - the period is not defined and not specified, but in fact it ranges from 3 to 5 days

  • Formation of a package of documents for a registered NCO for issuance to the applicant - three working days from the moment the documents are received from the Federal Tax Service to the Ministry of Justice. The actual period may take up to 10 days.

If you decide to register an NPO, we offer our services. Experienced lawyers of our company will individually develop and prepare all the necessary documents, will completely take over the registration process, and will also interact with the Ministry of Justice.


Our office

The address:

123112, Russia, Moscow, Presnenskaya nab., 12, Federation-East Tower, 18th floor

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